Lily Bouquet, UNSCENTED
Lily Bouquet, UNSCENTED
NO same-day order + pick-up unless you have spoken to or texted with Jodi. I value your time and want to be sure your bouquet is here when you show up.
Address: 102 State Highway 3, Hulls Cove - The driveway is across the street from the Church of our Father. Orders are picked up in Hulls Cove, in our entryway, down at the tall grey house, Sunday through Thursday.
Pick-up times vary based on pick-up day: If you are running late for pick-up, text me to let me know. Hassle-free. #207-664-9195
All flowers are locally grown in Hulls Cove, free from chemicals, and offer unique varieties and sizes not found in grocery stores. We grow our lilies in crates, much in the same way we grow our tulips. These lilies were started in the cold days of winter and are ready to bloom.
Pick-up @ Eden Street Flowers, Hulls Cove: Wednesdays and Saturdays unless other days are requested and approved.
A note about requests for certain varieties and/or colors: ** During check-out, you will have a chance to add any messages for Jodi. We encourage you to let us know what you are looking for and we will do our best given the seasonality of our locally grown flowers. This is a request and is not a guarantee.
Once you have paid, the flowers are reserved for you. There are no refunds.
Thank you for understanding.
Details on Location: Our property is directly across the street from the Church of Our Father in Hulls Cove, on Route 3. Flowers are picked up in our entryway. Head down the driveway. Our house is the tall grey one at the end. For winter flowers, be sure not to leave tulips in the car during these freezing temps.